Graz/ Austria
Cured of severe arthrosis after 13 years
My name is Heidi Wölf. I am married, with four children and five grandchildren. I have always tried to orientate my life towards God. If there were problems, I liked to ask Mary for her intercession. I have always had a special, close relationship with her.
When I was a schoolgirl, I broke my ankle while skiing. Because the pain was not very great at the time, this fracture was not recognised and therefore not treated medically.
18 years later, a very painful arthrosis developed at this point, which led to a deformation of the ankle joint. For two years it was tolerable because I was given strong anti-inflammatory medication. But when I found out that in the long run this would probably have serious side effects on my internal organs, I stopped taking them.
Over the years, I was treated by various doctors and in two clinics in Graz, where doctor friends of mine worked. I also received various therapies, but no one could help me. The deformities caused the bones to rub against each other. This often led to unbearable pain. I could only move with a limp in special high shoes. The doctors saw only one way to relieve the pain: they suggested screwing the bones together to immobilise them, but I did not want to do that.
The nights were often particularly painful. When I couldn't sleep because of it, I read the Bible. These encounters with God became a gift for me, always exciting, and they helped to distract me from the worst pain. Over the years, I had accepted the permanent pain, it had become part of my life. I took this fate upon myself, knowing that at least I would still be mobile, while many other people are confined to a wheelchair.
In 1991, my husband and I went with a friend and two new priests to Medjugorje, a place in Bosnia where there are apparitions of Our Lady. We had been there many times before. Since I had always had an intimate relationship with Mary, these pilgrimages were always a great joy for me. This time, too, I felt very safe in this place of grace.
Shortly afterwards, back at home, I went for a walk with my husband. Suddenly he looked at me from the side in complete surprise and said, "You walk like a soldier!" I looked at my feet and noticed that they were parallel and I suddenly felt no pain.
For 13 years I had been hobbling! That was 30 years ago this year. I could suddenly ski again, dance, hike, all things that had been completely impossible before. Above all, I have never had any pain since then. I cannot describe how grateful I am to God for His work and the miracle I was able to experience. I am also grateful with all my heart to Mary, for whose intercession and help I had prayed, and who interceded for me with God.