The Incarnation of Christ


God announced the birth of the Saviour through the prophets.
God could have sent the Saviour unannounced at any time. He knew about the necessity of our redemption, nothing and no one could have prevented the Almighty from doing so. But out of consideration for our human freedom, He did not take this step of His own accord. Rather, He waited until the people of the chosen nation of Israel, after countless generations, were in a position to pray together ardently for the Redeemer. Thereby, out of their human freedom, they gave God their consent that this work of redemption could become reality. The announcement of the Messiah by the prophets did not automatically bring about the willingness of the chosen people to ask God for the Messiah. The people of Israel themselves first had to become mature and worthy in a centuries-long process of growth in order to be able to open themselves to the coming of the Redeemer.
This is a central example of God's providence: God has always known what is right and important for us human beings, but he does not impose his plans for the fate of the nations on us any more than he imposes his plans for every individual human fate. Nor does he intervene in world events on his own initiative. He didn‘t even do so with regard to the Messiah. Because of our freedom, God needs our prayer, our consent to his actions, in small things as well as in large, and he also needed the consent of the chosen people of Israel. Only then could he, in accordance with his providence, make his Son human. 


In addition to the people of Israel who had long prayed for the Messiah, God also needed a woman who was able and willing to take on the task of becoming the mother of the Redeemer. God predestined Mary of Nazareth for this and preserved her from all sin. When Mary, out of her human freedom, said her unreserved YES to God's will, she, as a virgin, conceived the Son of God through his Holy Spirit. God, as Lord over the universe, is not bound by any laws of nature. 


Jesus, the Son of God, born through the Virgin Mary, was human in every way during his earthly life. He thought as a human being, he felt as a human being, and he died as a human being. He was also born into human freedom, that freedom which God had given to all humanity. God the Father revealed his origin to him and gave him the authority to perform signs and wonders so that people could believe in his mission. Out of his human freedom, Jesus was obedient to the Father even unto death. After his resurrection and ascension, Jesus is consubstantial with the Father and the Holy Spirit, who is the power of God promised to us human beings. For this reason we speak of the Triune God.

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